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Educational Videos:

CBC Curio

Documentaries and news reports from CBC


NFB Education

Educational films, study guides, and mini-lessons from the National Film Board of Canada


BrainPop Educators
Animated movies, creative thinking tools, interactive quizzes, and playful assessments

Username: highlandsecondary

Password: highland20


Boclips for Teachers

Over 1 million high-quality videos



Video series on various psychology, rhetoric, logic, reasoning, and economic topics


Audio Cine Feature Films

Feature films your students can watch for a class - works best in Google Chrome

LOGIN: comoxvalley21465

PASSWORD: S$qC5?5BwDHi#usPz​ 


Criterion on Demand

Feature films your students can watch for a class assignment (including National Geographic)

Login: 9100701
Password: ComoxV71



Ebooks and Audiobooks:


Ebook and Audiobook Resources

A collection of services to read and listen to fiction and non-fiction books, poetry, podcasts, etc.




News and Magazine Lessons:


What in the World

News articles

Level2 - Issue 6 password: mask6



Educational films, study guides, and mini-lessons from the National Film Board of Canada


Tweentribute: Smithsonian

Not-for-profit online newspaper for students (includes quizzes and posting feature)


National Geographic: Learn at Home

Explore the planet through interactives and short lessons or take a deeper dive into a subject area with a complete unit. 


All Sides News

Has news from across the spectrum – right, centre and left.  It also has information on bias and fake news - matches New Media 10 and New Media 11 curriculum. â€‹




English Resources:


Texts with accompanying questions for educators and now parents to use. Also, a way to track student progress with the teacher dashboard
Mini-units being developed from Ontario Ed.



Lessons and resources for digital and media literacy


Khan Academy

Exercises, quizzes, and tests so students can practice and master skills, as well as instructional videos to help students learn or review material.  Math, science, grammar, history, etc.  

Good article on how to use here​



Curricular modules and units.




Social Studies, Geography, History, Psychology, Law, Family Studies, and Philosophy Resources:


Includes geography, history, psychology, law, family studies, and philosophy units from Ontario Ed.


Active History

Amazing resources for history teachers includes interactive simulations, quizzes, games that can easily be used for online learning. 


Historica Canada

Provides a variety of activities focusing on the History of Canada. This includes the Heritage Canada videos.


First Peoples of Canada

A comprehensive amount of information can be found here about Canada's First Peoples. Information can be organized geographically, linguistically, etc.


ABC Database Suite

A group of six sites each covering a specific topic area and contains engaging, entertaining, and highly relevant content with thousands of photographs, videos, maps, historic timelines, biographies, and much more.  Languages and recipes too. 


Resources for Rethinking

Entire lessons/units on sustainability topics.  Aligned to BC curriculum - search by province and topic 


LEARN: Historical Thinking and Evaluation Strategies

This site gives examples of what MEES-style evaluation situations look like. It also provides practice with the intellectual operations.


UN Voices of Youth

This website was created, with the help of UNICEF, by youth and for youth. It provides a platform to discuss issues such as education, human rights, and health.


Google Earth

Google Earth allows you to see the world from different angles and perspectives. It also allows you to draw maps, and add photos to create your own story.


World Mapper

This website provides maps and cartograms exploring a variety of themes. It is constantly updated.


Khan Academy

Exercises, quizzes, and tests so students can practice and master skills, as well as instructional videos to help students learn or review material.  Math, science, grammar, history, etc.  

Good article on how to use here​



Math Resources:


Khan Academy

Exercises, quizzes, and tests so students can practice and master skills, as well as instructional videos to help students learn or review material.  Math, science, grammar, history, etc.  

Good article on how to use here​


Includes some math units from Ontario Ed.


University of Waterloo Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing

Includes games, new problems to solve, applications, videos, pointers to existing materials, etc.


Blutick: Math with Confidence

Explanatory videos, worked examples, and intelligent line-by-line feedback on every question. 



Covers algebra, geometry, calculus and precalculus – tutorials, quizzes, etc. Students will need to make an account.



Math dictionaries, formulas, and online worksheets


Amazing Maths

Accessible and motivational materials



Science Resources:


Khan Academy

Exercises, quizzes, and tests so students can practice and master skills, as well as instructional videos to help students learn or review material.  Math, science, grammar, history, etc.  

Good article on how to use here​


Includes some science units from Ontario Ed.


Chem Collective

A collection of virtual labs, scenario-based learning activities, tutorials, and concept tests.


PhET Simulations

A collection of chemistry, biology, and physics simulations.


Biology Simulations

Simulations and virtual labs for biology topics including evolution, ecology, and cellular energetics. 


Annenburg Learner

Science interactives and videos


Let's Talk Science

Focused on presenting Canadian youth with various STEM projects and educational resources.



Games and interactives for several science topics




PE Resources:


Fitness Blender

Search over 500 free workouts by length, difficulty, training type and muscles used.



This comprehensive global fitness database has something for everyone. Video demonstrations of exercises, workout posters and charts, 30 day challenges and more.


Canada Food Guide

Information, recipes, and resources around the Food Guide


Health for Life

Some health units from Ontario Ed.​


Introductory Kinesiology

Some units from Ontario Ed.


Just for You: Youth Health

Specifically for teens - facts on smoking, drugs, sex, mental health and more.




French Resources:


Rosetta Stone

Uses images, text, and sound to teach words and grammar by spaced repetition - free for 3 months



Includes a digital language-proficiency assessment, and bite-size lessons based on research.


BBC Languages

Online lessons with audio, games, vocabulary, grammar explanations and exercises



Resources for teaching French



Digital Art, Media, and Technology Resources


English Montreal School Board

Various courses with units from Ontario Ed.


BlockSmith Inc

3D video game making, including modelling, animations and programming - hourly lesson plans guide students step by step to making their first games (the free version is limited)



Financial Literacy Resources:


How the Market Works

Students receive a virtual amount of money to be invested in the stock market



Financial courses





Hours:  8:30 - 4:00

Ms.  Jerome (Teacher-Librarian) and Ms. Tingle (Library Clerk)


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